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Rede Peugeot - Automobile - Uberlândia

Avenida João Naves de Ávila, 3905, Saraiva,Uberlândia - MG, CEP: 38408-288

1 avaliações

Aberto agora

Aberto agora


Peugeot s industrial adventure was born in a steel foundry set up in a converted flour mill. It was rapidly abandoned for cold rolling, a much more profitable activity, for which a patent was registered in 1818. The cold rolling activity led to the production of manufactured objects, saws and watch and clock mechanisms. Success and prosperity were not long in arriving, thanks to the quality of the products, which were already being exported. This quality came to be symbolised in the emblem of the lion


Peugeot s industrial adventure was born in a steel foundry set up in a converted flour mill. It was rapidly abandoned for cold rolling, a much more profitable activity, for which a patent was registered in 1818. The cold rolling activity led to the production of manufactured objects, saws and watch and clock mechanisms. Success and prosperity were not long in arriving, thanks to the quality of the products, which were already being exported. This quality came to be symbolised in the emblem of the lion

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Avenida João Naves de Ávila, 3905, Saraiva, 38408-288, Uberlândia - MG

rota pronta

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publicada em 19/09/2013

Conheço a Automobile de Uberlãndia sim, por sinal quando fiz um orçamento fui muito bem atendida por um funcionário com o nome de Marcos que por sinal um excelente vendedor, porém quando agora precisei do atendimento na oficina onde meu carro se encontra,fiquei tritemente decepcionada pois não tive acesso ao responsável do departamento em questão. Está sendo um verdadeiro CALL CENTER . A atendente Bárbara e Raquel além de não saber dar uma posição para o cliente, ainda não deixam a pessoa falar com o responsável pelo serviço. É uma lástima pois gosto do carro , da marca porém o atendimento está muito a desejar. Registro o meu protesto e espero que a Automobile tome as provid~encias cabíveis para que isso não venha ocorrer mais. obrigada Marlene.

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