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Life Ftiness

Avenida Cidade Jardim, 900, Itaim Bibi,São Paulo - SP, CEP: 01454-000

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What started as one mans pursuit to improve his own physical condition, eventually turned into a global fitness revolution. That man was Keene P. Dimick, the mastermind behind the legendary Lifecycle exercise bike. Little did he know in 1968 that his modest invention would go on to fuel the hopes and dreams of people around the world forever.


What started as one mans pursuit to improve his own physical condition, eventually turned into a global fitness revolution. That man was Keene P. Dimick, the mastermind behind the legendary Lifecycle exercise bike. Little did he know in 1968 that his modest invention would go on to fuel the hopes and dreams of people around the world forever.

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Avenida Cidade Jardim, 900, Itaim Bibi, 01454-000, São Paulo - SP

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