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Instituto Nossa Senhora de Fátima - Paissandu

Rua Paissandu, 112, Boa Vista,Recife - PE, CEP: 50070-200

1 avaliações

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- OBJECTIVE :- To provide a comprehensive education regarding human, cultural , moral and religious grounds;- Provide additional educational training for children and adolescents at social risk and personnel in underserved communities by encouraging study in public schools;- Encourage the artistic initiation of children and adolescents and the possibility of a future career with courses in classical ballet, judo, folk dance, music (guitar, flute, keyboards), sports activities (soccer, ping-pong, basketball, volleyball) and handicrafts (embroidery, cross stitch), arts in candles and soaps;- Offer conditions for healthy development in affective , and cognitive dimensions of interpersonal relations;-Orient the students, their families and the community about the issues of emotional and sexual development, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs ), drugs, prostitution, violence, limits on education and respect for laws and social citizenship;- Encourage the professional initiation for adolescents entering the labor market.- TARGET :Children and adolescents of both sexes, ages from 6 to 18 years , coming from a low-income background who face personal and social risks.- PRACTICE AREAS :Currently, the Institute of Our Lady of Fatima, has been developing educational nature activities in the pedagogical area, professional, artistic, religious and psychosocial.The main areas of focus are:- Juvenile protagonism;- The human formation, including psychological, moral and religious care;- Qualify basic education, basic I and II and secondary education;- Start with the various professional workshops and training courses;- Socio-familial and community work;- Training cultural, artistic and athletic expression.


- OBJECTIVE :- To provide a comprehensive education regarding human, cultural , moral and religious grounds;- Provide additional educational training for children and adolescents at social risk and personnel in underserved communities by encouraging study in public schools;- Encourage the artistic initiation of children and adolescents and the possibility of a future career with courses in classical ballet, judo, folk dance, music (guitar, flute, keyboards), sports activities (soccer, ping-pong, basketball, volleyball) and handicrafts (embroidery, cross stitch), arts in candles and soaps;- Offer conditions for healthy development in affective , and cognitive dimensions of interpersonal relations;-Orient the students, their families and the community about the issues of emotional and sexual development, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs ), drugs, prostitution, violence, limits on education and respect for laws and social citizenship;- Encourage the professional initiation for adolescents entering the labor market.- TARGET :Children and adolescents of both sexes, ages from 6 to 18 years , coming from a low-income background who face personal and social risks.- PRACTICE AREAS :Currently, the Institute of Our Lady of Fatima, has been developing educational nature activities in the pedagogical area, professional, artistic, religious and psychosocial.The main areas of focus are:- Juvenile protagonism;- The human formation, including psychological, moral and religious care;- Qualify basic education, basic I and II and secondary education;- Start with the various professional workshops and training courses;- Socio-familial and community work;- Training cultural, artistic and athletic expression.

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Rua Paissandu, 112, Boa Vista, 50070-200, Recife - PE

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Silvannir Jaques

Silvannir Jaques

publicada em 02/10/2014

O Instituto Nossa Senhora de Fátima é uma unidade sem fins lucrativos que atualmente atende mais de 100 crianças e adolescentes, entre 6 e 18 anos. O lugar serve de lar para irmãs religiosas além de pensionato para jovens que buscam estudar na Região Metropolitana do Recife. Com ambiente arborizado que transmite uma imensa paz, o instituto possui uma capela linda e bem cuidada que devido sua beleza, já se tornou uma das igrejas mais procuradas pelos casais que desejam se unir em matrimônio. Ampla a igreja acomoda mais de 200 pessoas. Ao lado está disponível um salão que serve de recepção para os diversos eventos. É o cenário perfeito para você que busca um casamento, simples e charmoso. Qualquer decoração cairá bem. O atendimento normalmente é feito por Lúcia. Uma pessoa iluminada e dedicada as ações paroquianas. O preço para custear o casamento nessa igreja é compatível ao mercado. Vale a pena cada centavo. O estacionamento é ideal para eventos de até médio porte. #SimplesmenteAmo

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Instituto Nossa Senhora de Fátima - Paissandu

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